Management Team

Michael Allen
Michael was born and raised in Rockford. He married Naomi in 2013, and completed his Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in Design and Media, with a focus in photography in 2021. With a plan to attend Gordon-Conwell University starting in the spring of 2023 to pursue his Master of Divinity, and a desire to someday pursue doctoral work, Michael loves learning, reading, and higher education in general.
An artist, musician, and writer with a strong love of coffee, good books, and energetic conversation, Michael has a passion to see the Gospel spread, and God glorified. Fast paced and vision oriented, Ephesians 2 guides his life: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Margie Auman

Margie Auman is a pharmacist and wellness consultant. She co-leads the Wednesday night Adult Bible Study at Crosspoint. You will also see Margie on Sunday mornings behind the microphone giving announcements. She is passionate about teaching the Word of God and helping people apply it to their lives to glorify God. She has been married to Tim since December 1992, and they have two adult children.
Bob Carlson
Bob is a lifelong resident of the Rockford area; he retired from a career in health care administration and human resources. He and his wife Nancy have a blended family, with grown children and grandchildren. Bob became a believer in Jesus while in college through the ministry of CRU and has attended church and served in various ministries at 3215 E State St. ever since. Serving in leadership at Crosspoint for the past few years has been a great blessing to me personally. I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving at Crosspoint to fulfill the mission God has given us.

Kay Douglas

A veteran teacher of English and reading in the public schools for 34 years and a national consultant in reading styles for 17 additional years, Kay cherishes her current opportunity to team-teach English to members of our Myanmar church family, co-teach Bible study with Margie Auman, and serve on the Leadership Council as a member of the Management Team. She accepted Christ in her Sunday School class at age 8, was baptized as a teen, and re-baptized by immersion at TBC as an adult. Her life verse is Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (NIV) And He has! Her joy in ministering for Christ through the years has been in working with youth ministries, elementary students-at-risk, women’s ministry and Bible studies, short-term missions, both locally, in other states, and on the Arabian Peninsula. She is thanking the Lord for providing opportunities to serve Him at Crosspoint, and praying that God would continue to use her as a member of the Management Team at Crosspoint Church!
The oldest of 5 girls, I was raised by a single mom and by the village that surrounded her. A proud Latina with a long name that you CAN pronounce, I believe in you! (: I said a prayer in a Sunday school classroom at 8 years old, landed at Temple Baptist when I was 15, and wrestled to make my faith my own for the next 10 years. I highly value community and authenticity, and have an excess of enthusiasm for foxes and the color red. I’ve been an employee of the City of Rockford Human Services department for the past 5 years and currently work in the Weatherization department. I spend my free time planning parties, trying to catch up on laundry, and opening my home to foster children.

Luann Groh

In 1980, while going about her young life, an act of caring for others who attended this church led instead to understanding God’s love and care for her and her family through His Son, Jesus. LuAnn cares deeply about the Crosspoint body and wants everyone to truly KNOW God and to find their place in ministry; to be a part of faithfully stewarding this ministry together. LuAnn and John were married in 1971; they have four wonderful adult kids and equally loved are their four “outlaws”, as they affectionately call each other. Twelve grandkids fill their hearts and days to overflowing. LuAnn serves on the Global Outreach team and assists in other areas of ministry.

Byron Hansen

Born and raised in the small, southwest Iowa town of Harlan, Byron was privileged to grow up in a family where church was part of his life. He asked the Lord into his life at 12 years old. While he continued to hold onto church life, for a number of years, his relationship with the Lord was not what it should have been. It was not until the early 1970’s when one of his professors invited him to some Navigator gatherings. This led to Bible studies with other students, and later young couples, that solidified his life in Christ as his loving, merciful and gracious Savior, rather than a harsh judge who was impossible to please. College and work took him and his family from Cedar Falls, Iowa, Lima, Ohio and Rockford, Illinois. In each of these cities, his family has been part of Bible-believing churches and various ministries, including Sunday School, Church Moderator, Building and Grounds and a few missions trips. Byron and his wife Nan are the proud parents of 3 sons, 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Fred Holmertz

Shortly after Fred surrendered his heart to Jesus in 1978, he returned to Rockford and began attending Temple Baptist Church in 1980. He discovered his spiritual gifts of service and hospitality and began serving on the building and grounds team. In the 1990’s, God gave him a passion for men’s ministry in the Promise Keepers movement and he organized bus trips to conferences. Fred loves serving in the cafe, small groups, bus trips, singles’ group, men’s ministry, young adults, and building projects. Drama and productions have also been a part of his 40 years at TBC, now Crosspoint Church. For the past four years, he is the Property Manager at Crosspoint.

Sheila Klonicki

Sheila has an Associates of Arts degree from Rock Valley College, B.S. and M.A. degrees in speech pathology from NIU, and an M.A. degree as a Reading Specialist from Concordia University. She has worked with all ages in the Public Schools as a speech pathologist since 1988. She is passionate about seeing the church be effective in people’s lives and in the community. She has been married to Tom since 1999, and they have three grown children.

Ashley Moore

Ashley grew up in southern Wisconsin and moved to Rockford in 2017. Ashley keeps busy working with the Winnebago County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program. Ashley is also pursuing a M.A. in Theological Studies with a concentration in the Biblical Languages at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Prior to this, Ashley completed a B.S. in Chemistry at UW Platteville and worked as a Materials Engineer at Woodward for a few years. While she has shifted her focus to theological studies, she still has great love for science! Ashley is passionate about advancing God’s truth, justice, and restoration in the church and in the community.
Brian Reck
Brian is a Rockford native who spent more than 25 years in healthcare marketing before moving into a new leadership role at an area nonprofit.
He grew up in a Christian home and accepted Jesus as his Savior at a young age. Brian has served in past leadership roles at other churches and was part of Crosspoint’s launch team. He is excited for all that God has in store for this church and its impact on our community. Brian has been married to Sue for 30 years. They have two adult children.
Dave Spooner
Dave has served in pastoral ministry since 1994 with churches in the upper Midwest and was the founder and lead pastor of Mosaic, which has now merged to become Crosspoint Church. Dave loves strategy, big dreams, people-development, and difference-making. He enjoys sub-par puns, piles of books, and too-loud music. He balances seriousness, wisdom, and depth with contagious humor and energy. His devotion to God and love for all people flow from a heart of sincereness and humility. He is a graduate of the University of Northwestern-St. Paul, with degrees in Pastoral and Biblical Studies. He holds an M.S. in Organizational Leadership from Southern Christian University and is working on a Doctor of Ministry degree from Knox Seminary. He has been married to his wife Gretchen since 1995, and they have two adult daughters living in California and Tennessee.
Mawi Te
Mawi Te was born to a large family of seven sisters and one brother in Myanmar. Her father has been a Christian pastor for 30 years, currently serving a church in the town of Kampetlet, in Chin State. When Mwai was 16, she went alone to Malaysia to work to help support her family. In 2012, she married Daniel Thang, and two years later, they came to the USA as refugees, requesting settlement in Rockford because of their personal friendship with Pastor Kee back in Malaysia. Both Mwai and Daniel are active in Crosspoint, serving in various leadership capacities. Their two children are son Joseph (2017) and daughter July (2020). Mwai is especially appreciative of the kind and loving relationships within our church community that they have experienced. She is excited for what lies ahead for our welcoming multi-cultural community as together we follow in obedience to Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Ben Teeters
Hello My name is Ben Teeters, I have been a member of Crosspoint since the merger and a member of Mosaic since around 2018. At Crosspoint I am a member of the media team as well as the tech team. I run the wirecast platform which is what we use to broadcast our service to Facebook and YouTube. Speaking of Facebook, that is about all the social media and use Spotify mainly for music and podcasts. Absolutely love the podcast by Skunk Works, Lockheed Martin. Now I know what you are all thinking, geez Ben, what about what you like to do, you know, other than church stuff. Well funny you should ask. My Hobbies are everything from fishing and golf, to aviation, trains, and love exploring old railroad history. Swimming, hiking, and bike riding are up there too! AJ, my wife, and my daughter Chloe are my family and life. Well, that’s it for now, anything else, just ask!

Shepherding Team

Tim Auman
Tim Auman serves faithfully on the finance team and is a member of the leadership team at Crosspoint. He works at Acument Global Technologies in Belvidere, IL as an Application Manager. Tim is passionate about seeing the kingdom of God grow through the ministry of the Church. He married Margie in December 1992, and they have two adult children.
Rick Bovell
Rick and his wife Michele have been married for 28 years and have lived in Northern Illinois with their five sons for the past 16 years. A systems consultant by trade, Rick is also an ordained minister who is dedicated to teaching and has focused on ministering to the disability community. Rick has been involved with the disability ministry Joni & Friends, serving as the camp pastor for family retreats and as a member of their church equipping team. He and Michele minister in local group homes for adults with intellectual disabilities. He is currently a member of the advisory board of Wheaton College’s Center for Faith and Disability.
Tom Douglas
Tom came to know the Lord while attending youth group at Temple Baptist Church in 1984. During his college years, the Lord called Tom into full-time ministry. Tom shifted his academic endeavors and completed a BA in Biblical & Theological Studies from Bethel University and then went on to receive an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. The kaleidoscope of Tom’s years in ministry includes almost 20 years in youth ministry, almost 12 years in lead pastor roles, oversight of Children’s ministry, interim pastor positions, pulpit supply, leadership for church-based community assistance programs, leadership on numerous short-term mission trips, and much more. Tom and Jeanny have been married for 33 years and have 2 married daughters and 1 soon-to-be-married son. In 2018, the Lord blessed their family with another adult daughter with special needs. Tom enjoys camping, fishing, hunting, and fixing or building just about anything.

Daniel Galvez

Daniel Galvez has been a part of the leadership at Crosspoint since its inception in 2020. Initially as part of the merger and transition teams, he now serves on the Shepherding Team, since 2021, as well as the finance and personnel teams. He is gifted in leadership, encouraging others, and loves to cook. Daniel believes Crosspoint exemplifies Christ’s love to others by accepting them and not judging them. He believes that having an active relationship with our Living God and Savior Jesus Christ is the only road to eternal life and the cornerstone for strong and nurturing relationships at home, at work, in the community, and here at Crosspoint. He’s been married to Sheryl since 1984, they have three adult children and one grandchild.
Saw Morris
I resettled in Denver, Colorado as a refugee from Myanmar, and married my wife Julia Joyce there. We have three young boys – David, Enoch, and Zele. We came to Rockford in 2019 and have been part of the Crosspoint Myanmar congregation for the past two years. I work at the Buckhead meat processing plant in Hampshire. Julia and I are very pleased that we have become US citizens. We are also very happy and excited to be part of the Crosspoint Church congregation.
Ro Bin San
I became a believer in Jesus when I was a young man in Myanmar. In 2008, my wife Ester, our baby girl May, and I resettled in Rockford as refugees. We were fleeing persecution as Christians and ethnic oppression and seeking a better life. We knew no English and so many new experiences made life hard. We found a small house church of other Burmese refugees. In 2012, we joined with our new Christian friends at Temple Baptist Church. My family has grown to 4 children, three girls – May, Mimi, and Olivia (age 2) and our boy, Josiah. Five years ago, we were able to sponsor my mother to come as an immigrant. God has greatly blessed us, providing for our needs, and helping us find our way in our new country. We have become US citizens and homeowners in the Highland neighborhood through Habitat for Humanity. I work as a team leader at Spider Company in Machesney Park. I have served as an elder in the Myanmar Christian Fellowship and am currently responsible to lead our Burmese evangelism and visitation ministry. I am taking online coursework through a Christian seminary. I am excited to be a part of what God is doing through us at Crosspoint Church.”
Dave Spooner
Dave has served in pastoral ministry since 1994 with churches in the upper Midwest and was the founder and lead pastor of Mosaic, which has now merged to become Crosspoint Church. Dave loves strategy, big dreams, people-development, and difference-making. He enjoys sub-par puns, piles of books, and too-loud music. He balances seriousness, wisdom, and depth with contagious humor and energy. His devotion to God and love for all people flow from a heart of sincereness and humility.
He is a graduate of the University of Northwestern-St. Paul, with degrees in Pastoral and Biblical Studies. He holds an M.S. in Organizational Leadership from Southern Christian University and is working on a Doctor of Ministry degree from Knox Seminary. He has been married to his wife Gretchen since 1995, and they have two adult daughters living in California and Tennessee.
Gei Thang
I came to Rockford from Malaysia as a Burmese refugee with my wife and my four children – Thang Gei (David), Lain Thang (Miriam), Sarah, and Moses – in 2017. As a believer in Jesus, I desired to come to America where my family could worship Him and live in freedom and have a better life. I work at Amazon and became a US citizen in 2022. I am now raising my four children on my own. I am very happy to be able to worship and to serve God at Crosspoint Church.
Daniel Thang
I was born in a small jungle village in Chin State, Myanmar. My father died shortly after my birth and when my mother died when I was nine, I lived with my grandmother. Later I attended a residential Christian school in the nearby town of Kanpetlet. As a young Christian, I went to Malaysia, married Mawi Te in 2012, and worked and studied at a Bible college there. Registering as refugees with the UN, in 2014 we chose to come to Rockford where my pastor friend from Malaysia, Kee Thang, had resettled with his family. We have two children – son Joseph (age 6) and daughter July (age 3). Mawi and I have become citizens and we are so grateful to be in America where we are free. I have just begun evening online seminary studies after working my full time job. To be part of our Crosspoint Myanmar congregation is a great blessing. I look forward to grow in my faith and serve Him at Crosspoint.

Kee Thang

Pastor Kee grew up in Myanmar. He was baptized in 1998. He attended the Ministry of Diploma at Full Gospel Assembly in Yangon, Myanmar. He became an administrator for evangelism at Acts Apostolic Church and in 1999 he attended the Dolous Theological Seminary and earned a Bachelor’s degree of Theology. He became founder and assistant pastor at Agape Church in Yangon and in 2006, he and his family became refugees and lived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. During his time in Malaysia, he was the lead pastor at Dai Christian Fellowship. In 2011, Kee and his family moved to Rockford, Illinois, and in 2012 he founded and was lead pastor of Myanmar Christian Fellowship. He earned his certificate of license in 2013 from Temple Baptist Church and became an ordained pastor in July of 2020. He teaches many Bible studies and leads powerful prayer gatherings. He has great passion for spreading the word of God to others. Pastor Kee and his wife, Pam Hung, have four children – two sons, and twin daughters.